Start your day with some good music from this Japanese high school band!

Anyone here who loves orchestra music? Maybe a few but no matter, why not try listening to this cool Japanese high school band at least. Actually, I just accidentally watch their video after searching for a real orchestra performing 'Unter Dem Doppeladler/Under the Double Eagle', a march by Austrian composer Josef Wagner. (I found this march awesome after hearing it in a La Corda d'Oro CD album).  So without further ado, presenting the Shijonawate Gakuen High School Brass Band performing 'Under the Double Eagle'!!

'Under the Double Eagle'
performed by Shijonawate Gakuen High School Brass Band
Video courtesy of +kamino50 

But what really took my heart is their rendition of 'Les Miserables Medley'. A very amazing performance! Hands down. (Thanks again to +kamino50 for uploading this!)

'Music from Les Miserables'
performed by Shijonawate Gakuen High School Brass Band
Video courtesy of +kamino50 

Awesome indeed!

And after watching this and knowing that most schools in Japan have their own orchestra, one question came to my mind: Why don't we have this? :D


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